Ken Kammal writes from a place within his Soul, through his writings of those travels gone by, present and soon revealed, which envelope the Soul. Knowing of Self, through the Utterance of the Soul.

Ken Kammal writes from a place within his Soul, through his writings of those travels gone by. Present, and soon revealed, which envelope the Soul. Knowing of Self, through the Utterance of the Soul

The Traveller The Untold Stories of Cupid the Complete Series by Ken Kmamal

THE TRAVELLER the Untold Stories of Cupid

New collection

In these Consecutions, The Amoral Traveller, will have the fortunate, misfortune, of being an eyewitness to the collapse of worlds. Conveyed in this novelette series which is a new release of a three-part series.

Writer | Screenwriter | Author | Artist | Poet | Researcher |

Writer | Screenwriter | Author | Artist | Poet | Researcher |

Ken Kammal considers himself an artist, poet, and writer who writes from an observer’s perspective. He points out: “I am consciously trying to go beyond myself, into what I call the unknown and to be comfortable in the unknown and uncomfortable in not knowing my true Self.   

Undoubtedly, the true descent into my Self, is ultimately the true ascent of myself.”


Thank you for listening and supporting “Konscious Storytellers with Ken Kammal,” a podcast show dedicated to interviewing artist of all genres and expressions. And how they express there art form in a most conscious way.


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